Arax -8d09c51940345c86062e8ef2427c705ae66e5926
A Runtime Framework for Decoupling Applications from Heterogeneous Accelerators
No Matches

This library aims to implement the main communication layer between the Application VMs and the Appliance VMs.

pipeline status coverage report


Arax requires the following packages:

  • cmake
  • make
  • gcc + g++


  • ccmake (configuration ui)
  • libpoco (vdf tool)
  • libncurses (vtop)
  • doxygen (documentation)


sudo pacman -S cmake # poco ncurses doxygen 


sudo yum install cmake # poco-devel poco-foundation poco-net ncurses-devel doxygen


sudo apt-get install cmake # cmake-curses-gui libpoco-dev libncursesw5-dev libncurses-dev doxygen

Folder layout

  • controller - Controller source code
  • misc - Miscellaneous files
  • Java - Java wrappers for Arax
  • 3rdparty - Third-party libraries
  • include - Header files that expose the public interface
  • noop - No-op kernel/application used in testing
  • src - Source code
    • core - The core implementation of the program/library
    • arch - The architectural specific implementations
    • utils: Contains helper modules, such as data structures, wrappers to external libraries, etc
  • tests - Contain the tests that should be run with make test
  • tools - Scripts related to testing and releasing Arax
  • vdf - Visual Data Free, http dashboard, showing Arax state
  • araxtop - Similar to htop but for arax
  • araxgrind - CLI Memory checker tool

API Documentation

To generate documentation see the Build doxygen documentation section below.


Arax is built as a shared library(, using cmake and make:

First build and navigate to your build folder:

mkdir build;cd build

You must then configure your build using ccmake or cmake directly:

Configure with CCMake

Run ccmake .. in your build folder and press c once:

ccmake screenshot

Every line corresponds to a build option(see below for option descriptions). To change/set an option press enter, this will toggle a Boolean flag or allow you to edit a string option. For string press enter again to end string input. Pressing t will toggle Advanced options.

Once you have configured your build, press c followed by g.

Configure with CMake

To configure using cmake, on the build folder type:

cmake [Configuration Options] ..

Configuration Options

Basic Options

Option Type Description Defaut Value
ALLOC_STATS BOOL Enable allocator statistics OFF
BUILD_DOCS BOOL Build documentation ON
BUILD_TESTS BOOL Build unit tests ON
COVERAGE BOOL Enable coverage reports OFF
ENABLE_Cpu BOOL Enable Cpu backend. ON
ENABLE_Cuda BOOL Enable Cuda backend. OFF
ENABLE_ROCm BOOL Enable ROCm backend. OFF
ENABLE_Sda BOOL Enable Sda backend. OFF
ERROR_CHECKING BOOL Enable error checking. OFF
JAVA_WRAPS BOOL Build java Arax wrappers ON
MIGRATION BOOL Enable migration accross heterogenous accelerators. OFF
SHM_ALLOCATOR STRING Shared Memory allocator dlmalloc
SKIP_VDF BOOL Disable building VDF utility OFF
SKIP_VTOP BOOL Disable building VTOP utility OFF
async_architecture STRING Mechanism used for async API mutex

Advanced Options

Option Type Description Defaut Value
ARAX_CONFIG_FILE STRING Arax configuration file ~/.arax
ARAX_DATA_ANNOTATE BOOL Annotate arax_data for leak detection OFF
ARAX_DATA_TRACK BOOL Track where arax_data objects are allocated OFF
ARAX_KV_CAP STRING Capacity of utils_kv_s instances 32
ARAX_PROC_MAP_SIZE STRING Number of processes that can use Arax 1024
ARAX_REF_DEBUG BOOL Enable reference inc/dec prints OFF
ARAX_THROTTLE_DEBUG BOOL Enable Throttle inc/dec prints OFF
BUILTINS_PATH STRING Set folder containing builtins AUTODETECTED
CONF_ARAX_MMAP_BASE STRING Non zero values set shared segment mmap address 0
MMAP_POPULATE BOOL Populate mmap(good for many/larg tasks) OFF
UTILS_QUEUE_CAPACITY STRING Maximum number tasks in a task queue (Up to 65536), MUST BE power of 2 256U
UTILS_QUEUE_MPMC BOOL Add lock to allow multimple producers ON
target_architecture STRING Target architecture (shm) shm

Build with Make

After configuring, run make

Build doxygen documentation

After configuring, run make doc The path to the generated documentation will be printed at completion.


After building with tests enabled, you can run tests with make test.


Arax can be 'installed' in two ways. System Wide install is the recomened method if deploying on a dedicated machine and have root/sudo access. User Specific installation is recomended if deploying in a shared machine with multiple users and dont have root/sudo access.

System Wide Install

After a successful build, run make install, with root privileges.

User Specific Install

You can use the LD_LIBRARY_PATH eviroment variable to load Arax from the build path.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<Arax build path>

To find the apropriate Arax build path, run:

make AraxBuildPath

Using the Arax Library

After a successful build your build directory will have a file as well as an include folder. Add your build path as a library path and link with Arax -larax. Also add the build/includes folder to your gcc include paths -Ibuild/includes.


In order to configure the arax_pipe endpoints, the user must provide architecture specific options.

These configuration options are stored at ~/.arax and follow the format specified in utils/config.h.

The sections bellow specify the required keys for each supported Arax architecture:


Vdf is a program located at the examples folder, allowing run time inspection of allocator statistics and breakdowns(and more to come). To be built it requires the Poco framework to be installed.

After running it spawns a web server at localhost:8888. The web ui allows inspection of allocator statistics and breakdowns.


Shm implements the Arax API/protocol over a shared segment (POSIX or ivshmem).

Required Configuration Keys

Option Description
shm_file A file path specifying the shared segments file.
shm_size The size of the shared segment in bytes.

Optional Configuration Keys

Option Description
shm_trunc A boolean (0,1) setting if the shm_file should be truncated during initialization.
shm_off Start mmap from the given byte offset instead from 0.Can be used to split a single shm to multiple arax_pipe instances.
shm_ivshmem Boolean , set to 1 if running inside a Vm with ivshmem.


VDF is a monitoring tool for Arax, exposing statistics through a web interface. It accepts the following arguements:

Arguement Description
embed Skips html and head tags from output, allowing output to be embeded
noconf Dont show configuration section
nosize Dont show struct sizes section
noalloc Dont show allocation statistics
noobj Dont show object statistics
nobreak Dont show breakdowns

Debuging and Core dumps

As Arax uses shared segments for its state it is usefull to capture their state for post-mortem analysis.

To do this run:

echo 0xf > /proc/self/coredump_filter

This will result in big coredumps as they will include the contents of the shared segment at the time of crash. As such it is recomended to use the smallest possible shm_size posible.


We thankfully acknowledge the support of the European Commission and the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Innovation under the EuroHPC Programme through projects EUPILOT (GA-101034126) and DEEP-SEA (GA-955606). National contributions from the involved state members (including the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Innovation) match the EuroHPC funding.